QO-100 Dx Club Sprint Contest - 2025 Edition

Next Sprint: RTTY starting at 2025-03-08 15:00:00

Next sprint starts at 2025-03-08 15:00:00 UTC and runs until 15:59:59 UTC to make contacts. Log upload will open at the end of the sprint and remain open until 2025-03-10 23:59:59 UTC.

Good Luck!

The QO-100 Dx Club Sprint Contest takes place every 2nd Saturday of the month.


The purpose of the contest is to promote contacts via QO-100 NB transponder.

General Rules

  • All operators are required to observe the QO-100 Bandplan and Operating Guidelines
  • Only one signal is allowed at any time.
  • For FT4 mode, only one stream is allowed (F/H, SuperFox or similar are not allowed).


The Sprint Contest will take place on the 2nd Saturday of the month, between 15h00 and 15h59 UTC (inclusive), with the following schedule:

  • January, May, September: SSB
  • February, June, October: CW
  • March, July, November: RTTY
  • April, August, December: FT4


All contest activity must be done on "mixed modes & special purposes" segment (.870 - .990).

The QO-100 Dx Club proposes the following frequencies:

  • SSB and CW modes: .870 - .990
  • RTTY: .870 - .900
  • FT modes: .870 - .875


Single Operator: One person (the operator) performs all operating and logging functions.


QSO Points

  • A QSO is worth 1 point.
  • A QSO with a QO-100 Dx Club Member is worth 10 points. The QO-100 Dx Club will determine the member list via the callsigns registered by members at the beginning of each sprint.
  • A station can be contacted only once per sprint. Any subsequent QSO with the same station is worth 0 points and doesn't award multipliers.

Duplicate contacts are removed with no penalty. Call signs not in any submitted log are removed with no penalty.


  • The number of unique 4 digit worked grid squares.
  • The number of unique DXCC entities worked.

The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of worked grids and worked entities.
Example: 100 QSO points x (20 grids + 10 DXCC entities) = 3,000 (final score).


  • SSB/CW/RTTY - Each station should exchange report, grid square (XXYY) and Club membership number during the QSO, if member.
  • FT4 - Each station should exchange report and grid square (XXYY) during the QSO.


Logs should be submitted in ADIF format (specifics below) via the submission form until 23h59 UTC of the Monday following the sprint.

NOTE: the submitted log is not automatically uploaded to the QO-100 Dx Club database, even if the operator submitting the log is a QO-100 Dx Club's member.

SWL (listeners) and Checklogs are not accepted.

Corrections/amendments/changes will not be accepted after the log has been submitted.

ADIF Format

Your .adi file must contain the following fields:

  • CALL
  • MODE
  • SUBMODE for FT4 sprints
  • BAND that should be "13CM"
  • SAT_NAME that should be "QO-100"
  • PROP_MODE that should be "SAT"
  • GRIDSQUARE (4 digit only) or VUCC_GRIDS (either 2 or 4 grids, separated with ",")
  • COMMENT for SSB, CW and RTTY sprints with the correspondent QO-100 Dx Club Member Number (only numbers)


The QO-100 Dx Club is responsible for checking the contest entries and producing the scores.

Entrants are expected to follow the rules and best amateur radio practices, including the QO-100 NB Transponder Bandplan and Operating Guidelines.

Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike will lead to disqualification and banning of the remaining Sprints.

Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct include, but are not limited to:

  • Arranging or confirming any contacts during or after the contest by use of ANY non-amateur radio means such as telephones, Internet, instant messaging, chat rooms, VoIP, email, social media, or Web sites.
  • Transmissions by the entrant on frequencies outside of license limitations.
  • Transmissions by the entrant on frequencies not according to the QO-100 NB Transponder Bandplan.
  • Taking credit for excessive unverifiable QSOs or unverifiable multipliers.
  • Signals with excessive bandwidth (e.g., splatter, clicks) or above the beacons.

If a station deletes a QSO from their log to disadvantage an opponent and benefit another, both the station and the beneficiary will be disqualified and banned.

The decisions of QO-100 Dx Club are final.

Participating implies accepting and complying with the rules.


Results will be published on the QO-100 Dx Club Website on the Friday after each sprint.


At the end of the year awards will be given for the top 10 scores, and top 5 of each mode.