Operating Tips
Make sure you read and understand the NB transponder rules BEFORE you operate!
You can read the full NB transponder rules for QO-100 at https://amsat-dl.org/en/p4-a-nb-transponder-bandplan-and-operating-guidelines/
We also recommend to read "Ethics and Procedure for Radio Amateur" book, by ON4UN and
ON4WW. Download a
free copy here.
It was written mainly for HF but many aspects are applicable to Satellite operations, such as QSO
elements, ethics and pileup handling.
Any Mode
- Your signal should be loud as necessary and never above the Beacons.
- Use full duplex always. This allows to continuously monitor your own signal.
- Stop transmitting if your signal is not within the rules!
- Always observe the NB Band plan. If you use a SDR, add an overlay/markers file to the software. It will help you to comply with the assigned segments.
For SDR#, add the lines below to BandPlan.xml file:
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489500000" maxFrequency="10489505000" mode="CW" step="10" color="red">B</RangeEntry>
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489505000" maxFrequency="10489540000" mode="CW" step="10" color="blue">CW</RangeEntry>
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489540000" maxFrequency="10489580000" mode="USB" step="500" color="navy">NB DIGI</RangeEntry>
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489580000" maxFrequency="10489650000" mode="USB" step="500" color="yellow">DIGI</RangeEntry>
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489650000" maxFrequency="10489745000" mode="USB" step="500" color="green">SSB</RangeEntry>
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489745000" maxFrequency="10489755000" mode="CW" step="500" color="red">B</RangeEntry>
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489755000" maxFrequency="10489850000" mode="USB" step="500" color="green">SSB</RangeEntry>
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489850000" maxFrequency="10489870000" mode="USB" step="10" color="red">Emergency</RangeEntry>
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489870000" maxFrequency="10489990000" mode="USB" step="500" color="brown">CONTEST</RangeEntry>
<RangeEntry minFrequency="10489990000" maxFrequency="10490000000" mode="CW" step="10" color="red">B</RangeEntry>
For SDR Console, see here.
- If you can't pick a call in 10 secs (due large pileup/inexperience), work Split.

- Do not exceed 2.7kHz bandwidth
- Do not work "by numbers" or lists.
- Request full calls only
- Before start operating, even if you have a NTP software, make sure your clock is accurate (eg navigate to https://time.is ).
- To keep the computer clock, we recommend Meinberg NTP software.
- Before you call CQ/respond to other station, press Tune to check your downlink frequency/power level and change it accordingly.
- Do not exceed the beacon level. If you received >+10 reports and/or trigger LEILA all the time, you are using too much power!
- Check your Tx/Rx drift. It should be kept to minimum using TCXO or GPSDO.
- If your signal does not meet the desired technical parameters, go QRT and improve your station.
If you know a tip not listed above, please let us know, so we can included it in this page. Thank you.