Log4OM 2 Auto upload integration to QO-100 DX Club

by George LZ1GHT

  1. Login in qo100dx.club
    In Your profile -> API Keys -> Click Create button.
  2. Select & Copy your Key
  3. Open Log4OM 2. Open Settings -> Program Configuration
  4. In settings tree on left side select <ADIF Function>
  5. On right window select ADIF Post
  6. Select “Enable ADIF web transmission”
  7. Target URL: https://qo100dx.club/api/log4om
  8. Transmission method select “Use POST”
  9. Deselect “Transmit data HTMLEncoded (recommended)”.
  10. In POST / GET Parameters enter
    1. Key: “ADIF”, Value: “<ADIF>” and click on green + button.
    2. Key: “X-API-Key”, Value: paste copied in 2 key and click on green + button.
  11. Finally setting must look like picture
  12. “Expected answer if OK” leave empty.

After add new QSO in Log4OM log, QSO is in QO-100 DX Club after ….(2-3) minute.