FT4 Skimmer beta

The club is running an experimental FT8/FT4 modes skimmer. The system covers the segment from 10,489.540MHz to 10,489.544MHz.
We thank BATC Qatar-OSCAR 100 Narrowband WebSDR for the usage of their system to build our skimmer.


Please check the Skimmer > About page and the notes at the bottom of the page for more information about the skimmer's data

Data from until , total of decodes.

Signal Strength Histogram

Last messages

Top 👍
Top 👎
Stations decoded ()

Grids decoded ()


  1. This system is experimental.
  2. All data except "Last Messages" only include stations heard more than once in the time period.
  3. In "Last Messages", green background means signal strength bellow the reference of +00.
  4. In "Last Messages", red background means signal strength above the reference of +00.
  5. In "Last Messages", white background means signal strength at the reference of +00.
  6. "Signal Strength Histogram" has number of decodes on Y axis, and signal report at the skimmer on the X axis.
  7. The "Top 👍" and "Top 👎" list stations with lowest and highest signals at the skimmer.
  8. "S" is the signal strength (in dB) at the skimmer.
  9. The number between () in the "Stations decoded" and "Grids decoded" lists are the number of times the grid or station was decoded in the period.
  10. There is a delay propagating data from the skimmer to the club's database, but it shouldn't exceed 2 minutes.