Here you can find the answers to some common questions.
Login / Email Registration
1. A fellow amateur told me the club registration was automatic. Is this true?
Until Feb 2023 the registration process was automatic, meaning all new members were automatically accepted. However, due a massive spam attack (hundreds of fake accounts is a matter of hours), we had to stop the automatic registration and since then all new memberships are individually accepted.
2. I didn't received the confirmation email yet. What I should do?
Wait. Sometimes it takes a couple minutes, sometimes it could pass several hours before the administrators have the opportunity to check/accept the new members.
3. I have waited several hours and still haven't receive the confirmation email. What next?
Check your spam folder. If your confirmation email is not there, email us.
4. The confirmation link is invalid. Why?
The email confirmation link, due to security reasons is valid only once. If you click on it more than one time, it will report invalid.
5. Why can’t I reset my password?
Most likely because your account hasn’t been activated yet. Once that process is complete, you will be able to reset your password.
6. I am going to stop using the email address I used to register. How can I change the email address?
Please send us an email, from the old account, with the new email address. We will change it as soon as possible and let you know when done.
7. Why my registration has not been accepted?
Most likely because you already have a previous record. Our rule is one account per member.
8. Why I can’t register a specific call sign/email address?
Most likely because you already have a previous record. Please contact us to sort the problem.
Log Upload
1. Why my log didn't upload to QO-100 Dx Club?
This could be due to several reasons, but the most common is non compliance with the rules stated on the Upload Log page. Please check the file attached to the email report to understand the reasons why the upload failed.
2. My log software does not export MY_GRIDSQUARE field. What can I do?
Before you upload your log to the club database, specify your own grid square (6 characters) using the user interface, as seen below:
3. Why my FT4 QSO are not accepted?
The most common reason is your log software does not export according to the ADIF specification, where FT4 QSO are
identified as
4. If my log is not accepted, what can I do?
You have several options:
- change your logging software
- try SQ8W QO-100 ADIF Tool
- use ADIFMaster software to edit your log
5. My log total DXCC SAT QSO is different from QO-100 Dx Club. Why?
This could be due to several reasons. The most obvious is you have made SAT QSOs via other satellites and those additional QSO are not accepted on QO-100 Dx Club. The other usual reason is a DXCC is wrongly identified. Revise your log to make sure there is no wrong/missing information.
6. Do you recommend any logging software?
No. Most recent/maintained log programs export ADIF files that comply with our rules.
7. I have done all described above, but still have errors/issues. What should I do?
Please email us your log and the report file so we can check it. Although we did exhaustive tests on our database, we cannot guaranty it's 100% exact, so there is a remote chance the problem is on our side.
8. A rover station was operating from 2 (or 4) grid intersection. How should I upload the QSO?
You should use VUCC_GRIDS
ADIF field in place of GRID
. Please note only 2 (or 4) grids are allowed and they must
be 4 digits long, separated with comma and no spaces between characters. Any other format will be ignored. Examples :
or <VUCC_GRIDS:19>LK87,LK88,LK78,LK77
9. I operated from 2 (or 4) grid intersection. How should I upload the QSO?
You should use MY_VUCC_GRIDS
in place of MY_GRIDSQUARE
. Please note only 2 (or 4) grids are allowed and they must
be 4 digits long, separated with comma and no spaces between characters. Any other format will be ignored. Examples : <MY_VUCC_GRIDS:9>LL80,LK89
or <MY_VUCC_GRIDS:19>LK87,LK88,LK78,LK77
10. I operated portable / a special call / from a different DXCC. How should I proceed?
Please add the new call sign to your account under Your Profile page. You can add as many call signs as you want, as long as they have been operated only by you! Please don’t forget to specify the grid locator from where you have operated.
11. I want to upload the log from our club station. What should I do?
Please create a new account. We require call signs used by several operators to have a separate (multi-operator) membership. You can add additional multi operator call signs to this account.
Rankings and Awards
1. How can I update my Ranking position/request a new Award?
Just upload your most recent log. You can change the log as many times you want. However those QSO used to claim the Award(s) cannot be deleted.
2. How can I improve my position on the rankings?
Beside the obvious ways (improve your operating conditions, perfect your Dx techniques, be more time available, etc.) check your log before upload to the database to avoid errors. Check often your profile Issues page and fix any mistake(s).
3. Do you check if the Grid Squares are valid?
Yes, we do. We have a database of all the land based grid squares under QO-100 footprint. We have a second database, with all the grids of each DXCC. Your QSO grid needs to pass by both filters otherwise it will be flagged and listed under Issues page
4. Is there a list of previous active DXCC via QO-100?
Yes, there is. Check here.
5. Can I download a list of all DXCC under QO-100 footprint?
Yes. Scroll down to the end of the Valid DXCC Entities page or click here.
6. Why I am no longer listed on QO-100 Dx club rankings
Because you haven't updated your log in more than one year. After you upload your log, you will be listed again.
7. What are the requirements to have a Rovers page?
There are no rules set on stone. We give priority to the operators who upload their logs to the club database, are listed on the Grid activators ranking and have activated at least 10 grids.
All Modes
1. Is it ok to use a WebSDR as the primary receiving system?
No. A true amateur radio station requires both transmit and receive capabilities to fully participate in communications. Using a WebSDR for receiving breaks this essential requirement and disrupts the integrity of two-way communication.
2. When is it acceptable to use a WebSDR?
WebSDRs are useful to:
- Monitor your transmitted signal for quality.
- Troubleshooting transmission issues.
- Calibrate your equipment.
3. Is it ok to use a remote station?
Yes, as long the usage is according the NB transponder guidelines:
- Only permitted if the station belongs to the operator himself and is operated at his own location.
- The operator must always have full control over the station and in particular be able to switch it off immediately if, for example, interference occurs.
Special cases of permitted unmanned and automatically operating stations applies only to disaster radio communication in humanitarian emergency situations and require both permission from the operator of the space station, in this case represented by AMSAT-DL, and special permission from the regulatory authority responsible in the respective country.
Remote operation used by groups (private or club stations, gateway traffic) is not wanted by the satellite operator.
4. Do you recommend any reading materials for learning about amateur radio operations?
To develop a strong foundation in operations within amateur radio, we recommend the following key resources:
"Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur" by ON4UN and ON4WW
This book covers ethical guidelines and operating procedures for responsible radio operation, including tips on how to communicate professionally and courteously. -
"VHF Handbook"
This comprehensive handbook is a must-read for those involved in VHF/UHF operations. It offers detailed insights into propagation, technical specifications, and operational techniques, including sections dedicated to satellite communications. -
"DX Code of Conduct"
While primarily focused on long-distance HF communication, the DX Code of Conduct provides valuable guidance on best practices for respectful and efficient communication. These principles apply equally well to satellite operations, emphasizing clear and courteous transmissions and avoiding intentional interference.
1. Is QO-100 like any other amateur radio band?
It’s very similar, but not the same. The golden rule is your signal should never exceed the beacon downlink and more than 2.7kHz bandwidth.
2. I am going to operate from a DXCC/Grid never before active via QO-100. How should I proceed?
Like on HF, we recommend to start CW operation first. There are less operators using this mode and the pile up tends to be smaller.
3. What frequency should I call?
For CW we recommend around 104890.510MHz. For SSB it’s preferable to use a less busy part of the NB transponder (eg 104890.870MHz or above). However, if your signal is week, you should call where the transponder is more sensitive (around 10489.700MHz).
3. Should I use Split?
Yes, if you can’t pick a call sign in 10 secs, we recommend you use Split operation.
4. Should I call by numbers?
No, we do not recommend to operate by numbers, or any method other than Split. If the pileup is too big, let the pileup spread (instead of saying “Up 5” just say “Listening Up”).
5. The pileup is triggering LEILA all the time. What can I do?
Never listen 2 consecutive stations on the same frequency. That will force the pileup to spread, and avoid stations “tail-ending”. We also do not recommend “tuning up and down”, to avoid the pileup to guess what frequency you are going to listen next. Instead “jump up and down” the pileup and the stations will tend to call on a single frequency, waiting their turn to be called.
6. Should I use headphones?
Yes, you should use headphones all the time. Beside making reception easier, it avoids feedback.
7. 10489.850MHz frequency is free. Why can’t I use it?
Because that frequency is assigned for emergency use only. You shouldn’t transmit near the beacons, or on any other frequency where your pileup can fall on top of any protected segment. For more information, please read the NB Transponder rules.
8. Are there any regular nets?
Yes, there are, mostly aggregated by language:
- English (BATC/AMSAT-UK)
- Dutch
- Indian
- Portuguese .790 “QSO Atlantico”, mostly CT/PY stations, daily, after 22UTC)
- Turkish .777
- French
- Russian
- Polish
1. What power level should I use?
We recommend never exceed 0 measured on the club FTx skimmer (uses BATC Web SDR as receiver).
2. I am able to decode some stations, but no one seems to be able to decode me. What can be wrong?
Check your computer clock (eg using https://time.is/ ).This is a critical aspect when operating FT via QO-100 (due GEO orbit time delay).
3. How can I improve my FTx signal
- Adjust your radio/software properly
- Always operate full duplex/monitor your own downlink
- Use a software (eg Dimension4) to make sure the computer clock is always accurate.
- If you operate off grid/no internet, NTP is not an options so use a GPS Dongle and a GPS time sync software (like BTKTimeSync) This is very recommended for Rover Stations/Dxpeditions
- If you can afford, lock all (or at least some) elements (Tx, Upconverter, PA, LNB, Downconverter, Rx) to a GPSDO source
- Never exceed the beacon level (check your signal using the club skimmer)
4. Why is someone transmitting on top of my FTx signal?
There are several reasons. Here are the most common:
- Ignorance/lack of knowledge how to operate FTx via QO-100
- Radio/interface not properly configured
- Radio/software parameters not properly adjusted
- Intentionally
- Simplex operation/not monitoring the downlink
- The other station signal drifts
- My signal drifts
- Because it's a robot
- A mix of all/some above
5. Why the station x is calling me again?
Most likely because the QSO was not complete on the other end (no RRR). Please be patient and try again until you see his/her 73.
6. My signal is drifting and I am struggling to complete FT8 QSO. What can I do?
Try FT4. Because FT4 periods are shorter than FT8, there is less time to drift. However time accuracy is more critical when using FT4, so NTP/GPS is mandatory.
7. I am going to operate from a DXCC that has never been active via QO-100 on FT modes. Should I operate on the normal segment (.540-.543) or a little higher?
On the first hour(s) of operation moving a little up (.545-550) might help to handle the pileup (due less stations) but afterwards will be ok to use the usual segment. F/H mode will also help to deal with the pileup quickly.
QSL Upload
1. Why the QSL card I uploaded is not displayed on the Gallery page?
This could be several reasons. Please be aware currently we only accept scans of paper QSLs that meet ALL these criteria:
- be a high quality scan .png or .jpg format
- be at least 800 pixels in width
- not exceed 6Mb
We do NOT accept:
- croocked, disaligned or poor quality scans
- cards not received by you
- duplicates of existing QSLs
- eQSL (or other electronic formats)
- cards without mentioning the QSO was made via satellite (even the uplink frequency is correct)
- cards without mentioning that QSO was made via QO-100 satellite (when no uplink band or sat mode is mentioned)
- your card sent by you (with or without any data on it)
- duplicates of existing QSLs, except when the design is different
We wish to keep the QSL Gallery a showcase of the nice paper QSLs that radio amateurs still insist in exchange, as an alternative to the more modern digital exchange of digital pictures. If you plan to submit a scan or photo of your QSL card please take the time to produce a high quality image, without any extra borders or other elements not part of the card, and where the same is properly aligned. Slanted, rotated or otherwise not orthogonal cards will not be accepted.