
Baltic rover


Costa, CT1EAT (QO-100 Dx Club #2) will be driving from Tartu (Estonia) to Cambridge (UK) between 20 - 24 Sept 2024.

During the Baltic leg of the trip, he will try to be QRV from:

  • KO38 Friday morning as ES5/CT1EAT/P
  • KO37 Friday afternoon as ES6/CT1EAT/P
  • KO16 Saturday morning as YL/CT1EAT
  • KO05 Saturday afternoon as LY/CT1EAT

Operation during 30-60 minutes only.

Schedule subject to change due weather/road conditions, etc.

To follow his location check (search for M0HOJ-9)

QSL via LoTW. Bureau on request.