
West Sumatra Rover **Update**


Update 10 Sep 2024 08:00z: The team is looking for help to cover the fuel expense. If you can assist them, please go to PayPal.Me/yb1rqx and make your donation. TNX


Rul - YB1RQX (QO-100 Dx Club #1043), Wandi - YC1RIK (QO-100 Dx Club #553) and Benny - YB1RET (QO-100 Dx Club #1318) are planning a rover over 3 grids (OI25, OI14 and OI15) in West Sumatra between 13 and 16 Sep 2024, operating mostly SSB (perhaps some FT8 as well).

During the rover they will drive over 1000 km in total and sleep in tents.

They will carry 2 radios, 1 dish, and many batteries. If the trunk has enough space, we will carry a small inverter.

Another operator, Zul - YC4IDY, who has supported the team for the last three activations, might join the trip as well.

Please note that the rainy season came early in Indonesia. All western part of Java and Sumatra might rain the whole day! QRV is subject to WX conditions.

TNX Rul YB1RQX for the information.