
S9 São Tomé and Príncipe


Although not initially planned, we are happy announce the S9Z Dxpedition will operate via QO-100 and the QO-100 Dx Club will sponsor the equipment.

The multinational team (N4XP, 5B4AQN, CT1BOL, CT1EEB, HI8RD, I8NHJ, KH7U, KJ7KOJ, K0IR, K3VN, N2WB, N6MZ, WB4JTT and W7YED) will be active from São Tomé and Príncipe (JJ30) between 11-20 November 2024.

We thank Tom, N4XP (Leader) for his support and amateur radio spirit. 

Beside QO-100 sat they will be QRV 160-6m and EME (432 MHz).

More details to follow on their web page (currently in construction).