
Big EU/TA rover **Update 2**


Update 21 Jul 2024 14.30z: Baris has uploaded his logs from the ferry operation to the club database as OH2UDS/MM. Despite he didn't used the /MM during the QSO, this is the correct callsign termination.

Those who worked OH2UDS between 18 - 19 June 2024 and previously uploaded the log to the data base, please make sure you logged him as OH2UDS/MM

For the correct grid information, please check his rover page

Thank you for your cooperation.


Update 18 Jun 2024 22.30z: Baris and Burcu are currently aboard "Finnstar" ferry on the way to Travemunde (Germany), where they are due to arrive tomorrow at 19:00 local time. 

They are already QRV using CW mode, and occasionally using cross mode (Tx CW, Rx SSB).

The operator is using his finish callsign without the indication of being Maritime Mobile (/MM). This poses a problem: there is no match of the DXCC (Finland) with some of the activated grids (eg KO08) and an error is reported

We are aware of the situation and we will sort it in due time, but not before the end of June

Please be patient. Thank you for your cooperation.



Baris, OH2UDS/TA7W (QO-100 Dx Club #1192) and his XYL Burcu OH2CAV/TA2NBA will be on the road again, starting 19 Jun 2024.

On their rover from Helsinki to Friedrichshafen they plan to activate as many grids as possible, specially on the Baltic Sea, during the ferry trip between Finland and Germany.

After the HAMRADIO 2024, they will be driving to Turkey and work more grids on the way. Afterwards they will do a big TA tour, to activate all Turkish grids.

Dates, times and route are not definitive yet and mostly will be decided on the go. Please monitor 10489.777 MHz.

Incidentally, if you are attending the Friedrichshafen fair, don't miss the "SDR Based Portable QO-100 transceiver" presentation. More details about N3B project here.

TNX Baris for the info.