
VO1 Canada GN37


Gopan, VU3HPF/M0XUU (QO-100 Dx Club #221) will travel to St. John's, Newfoundland (Canada) on a short break between 8 -15 May 2024.

He plans to do some hiking and use the opportunity to test reaching QO-100. The QTH (GN37) is -1 degree elevation towards the sat!!!

This is very exciting for him, to learn more on the propogation on both 13cm and 3cm below horizon.

His setup will be a transverter with IC705 (Pluto+ SDR as backup), Modified LNB, GPSDO, 2 Turn (YATT) Helix, SG Labs Amplifier and 80CM Dish (Possibly a 1M dish).

He is expecting the signals to be weak and have deep QSBs, so the primary mode will be CW. He also have FT8/FT4 setup but this will be experimental.

He will also operate HF from Cabots Towers.

More info on his page.