
Long Norway rover **Update**


Update 5 Oct 20223 From Chris page: "Unfortunately I have to cancel my road trip due to a technical problem with my motorhome and I can no longer make connections under LA/OE6CUD over QO-100.

I'm sorry to report this, but I'll probably be back on the road by the end of the year or early 2024.

Thank you for all the stations that have contacted you and please be patient with confirming the QSL."

TNX Florian, DF2ET for the info.


Chris, OE6CUD will be visiting various islands in Norway by car until the end of October, starting 15 or 16 August 2023.

He will be heading successively to the islands of Vaeroy, Lofoten, Vesteralen and Senja signing LA/OE6CUD using CW.

He might be also QRV from Sweden on the return journey.


TNX Florian, DF2ET for the info.