VK9C Cocos Keeling Is. **Update #6**
Update 7 Nov 2023 22.00z: Mikio san JA3GEP and his team arrived safely in Perth.
The tentative number of QSOs (including duplicates) via QO-100 is SSB: 722, CW: 248, FT8: 120.
In total VK9QO made 1090 QSO via QO-100 thanks to the excellent teamwork.
TNX Matthias DD1US for the info.
Update 5 Nov 2023 11.00z: The VK9QO team has now achieved more than 500 SSB QSOs. They are still operating until tomorrow Monday.
As they are busy also operating on HF and 6m bands as well as the LEO/MEO satellites they are not always QRV on QO-100.
Unfortunately they have problems with the connection between the PC and the radios and unless they find time to fix it there might be no FT8 operation on QO-100.
They will focus on SSB operation as the signals are very good and possibly then also on CW but again, FT8 and CW are not yet sure.
So take the opportunity to work them in SSB.
Many thanks to Mikio san, Yutaka san and the whole team.
TNX Matthias DD1US for the info