
SSB Sprint Contest results


Dear Club Members

The first SSB QO-100 Dx Club Sprint contest results are out! Thank you to all who have participated and sent their logs.

As very much everything that is related to the club, this has also been a learning experience for us (management team). Many things happened as expected, but there were a few unexpected things...

The most relevant was the amount of support we had to give to help participants to create their logs. As much as we would like to keep doing it, on the long run, it's unsupportable. We simply don't have time. Sorry.

So we made a change on the rules: instead emailing the log, the participants from now on will upload their log via the Sprint Log Upload page

To support the users who are unsure if the log comply with the rules, we created a Log Checker. Participants can (and should) use it before uploading their logs!

Once the log is submited, it's considered accepted and no corrections can be done. No exceptions! 

We also made some minor corrections on the text (to clarify some aspects), so we kindly ask all future participans to read the rules, even if you have done it before.

Speaking of rules, we noticed a few signals stronger than the beacon during the contest... and even a station outside the contest segment!

We know this is only a hobby and we are tolerant by nature, but we want to make very clear we are observing every contest and reserve the right to disqualify any station that sistematically violate the rules.

So, please check your signal (e.g. using BATC WebSDR) and make the necessary adjustments to comply with the QO-100 Bandplan and Operating Guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation.

Due the additional email work load we didn't had time to finalize the certificates. Please accept our apologies. They will be ready to download as soon as possible.

Please keep on participating and sending your logs. If you have no interest on classification, please submit your log as CHECKLOG. It's important for us and for the competing stations.

Once again, thank you for your kind words about our iniciative. We appreciate them. Please spread the news, so the number of participating stations will increase. Thank you.

See you next Sprint!

73 QO-100 Dx club team